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Máscaras Faciais: conheça seus benefícios

Facial Masks: discover their benefits

Posted by SAE HYUN KIM on

You may have already heard about the face masks that are becoming very popular around the world, but do you know what they are for and their main benefits?

So don't miss this post here and let's find out!

What is a face mask?

A face mask is essentially made from a fabric with concentrated ingredients that is placed on the face and left on for a short period of time (usually no more than 20 minutes).

Each of the face masks is designed for a purpose. There are those that reduce oiliness, or to exfoliate, to hydrate, to reduce blemishes, to reduce fine lines and much more!

In the past, face masks emerged when Japanese geisha used to use scraps of silk left over from kimono production and put them in flower water to leave on their faces. There are people who say this is just a legend, but it is common knowledge that masks are a popular Asian phenomenon for their benefits in the skin's beauty routine.

Masks are a great way to take care of yourself, especially if you are short on time in your daily life, as well as providing fabulous benefits for your skin.

The secret is choosing the right mask with the right properties for your skin type. And, of course, choosing the right brand too. Due to the popularization of masks, today you can find a huge number of masks made cheaply from ingredients that can actually damage your skin.

Always pay attention to the composition of their ingredients, caution is always the best way, right girls?

What are the benefits?

The great benefit of all masks is the mega hydration it provides.

The facial masks are concentrated in ampoules which, when applied directly to the skin for 20 minutes, will leave your skin super hydrated. And the best part, there is no limit to how many times you can use it!

You can also find masks that provide brightening, anti-aging, detoxifying, and anti-acne benefits. Just like a treatment serum, you can find face masks that specifically focus on components that are specific to all skin types.

To get the best results and really provide your skin with all the benefits, you must prepare and clean your face in advance. It's best to cleanse, exfoliate and tone before using the mask and finish with a good moisturizer after use.

How to use the Korean mask

Generally, masks are made of fabric, rubber or paper. They are disposable, so they should only be applied once.

Once opened, the masks must be placed on the face carefully. They are easy to use, but very delicate too. Stretch the fabric, rubber or paper over your face, so you can contemplate every corner. Be careful not to irritate your eyes!

The break time can be 15 to 20 minutes. The most interesting thing about using Korean masks is that right after the first time you can notice some improvement in appearance. It is recommended to use a Korean mask two to three times a week.

They are great value for money and represent an affordable way to minimize skin problems and keep your skin looking beautiful and healthy.

What did you think of our tips on the benefits and use of Korean face masks? If you want to know more about how to achieve the skin you've always wanted, we invite you to follow ByKorea's blog and social media!

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  • gostaria muito de poder usar esta mascara,não conheço.

    ana viana on

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